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令和6年度次世代ユネスコ国内委員会の開催について  from 文部科学省 新着情報  (2024-5-1 14:00) 

原子力科学技術委員会 原子力研究開発・基盤・人材作業部会(第21回)の開催について  from 文部科学省 新着情報  (2024-5-1 14:00) 

Paul of Venice  from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy  (2024-5-1 11:51) 
[Revised entry by Alessandro Conti on April 30, 2024. Changes to: Bibliography] Paul of Venice was the most important Italian thinker of his times, and one of the most prominent and interesting logicians of the Middle Ages. His philosophical theories (culminating in a metaphysics of essences which states the ontological and epistemological primacy of universals over any other kind of beings) are the final and highest result of the preceding realistic tradition of thought. He fully developed the new form of realism started up by Wyclif and his Oxonian followers in the last decades of the 14th century, and...
第12期科学技術・学術審議会国際戦略委員会(第3回)の開催について  from 文部科学省 新着情報  (2024-4-30 19:04) 

令和6年度「マイスター・ハイスクール(普及促進事業)」の採択結果について  from 文部科学省 新着情報  (2024-4-30 18:00) 

全国的な学力調査に関する専門家会議(令和5年4月20日〜)(第5回)議事要旨  from 文部科学省 新着情報  (2024-4-30 16:40) 

文部科学省研究振興局非常勤職員(期間業務職員)採用のお知らせ(令和6年7月1日採用)  from 文部科学省 新着情報  (2024-4-30 14:00) 

Scottish Philosophy in the 19th Century  from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy  (2024-4-30 9:28) 
[Revised entry by Gordon Graham on April 29, 2024. Changes to: Main text, Bibliography] Philosophical debate in 19th century Scotland was very vigorous, its agenda being set in large part by the impact of Kant and German Idealism on the philosophical tradition of the Scottish Enlightenment. The principal figures are Thomas Brown, Sir William Hamilton, James Frederick Ferrier and Alexander Bain, and later in the century, the so-called "Scottish Idealists" notably James Hutchison Stirling, Edward Caird, and D.G. Ritchie. The self-conscious identity of the Scottish philosophical tradition owes...
Great Western Trail Neuseeland, Hegemony, Kanban EV, Praga Caput Regni, Alma Mater: Strategie-Bretts  from DER SPIEGEL - Schlagzeilen  (2024-4-29 2:02) 
In der Elektroautofabrik, auf der Schafweide oder auf der Riesenbaustelle taktisches Denken ist gefragt. Hier sind vier opulente Spiele, bei denen man garantiert Muskelkater zwischen den Ohren bekommt.
Deutsche Meisterschaft im Schwimmen: Lukas Märtens wird zum Olympia-Favoriten  from DER SPIEGEL - Schlagzeilen  (2024-4-29 1:57) 
Olympische Erfolge waren für den Deutschen Schwimmverband zuletzt selten. Das soll sich in Paris ändern. Freistilschwimmer Lukas Märtens ist schon in Gold-Form.

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